Saturday, 16 August 2014

His Kingdom Come. His Will Be Done

I have felt burdened to write this post for the past few months but the words failed me. I tried, I really tried... but the words never came, only frustrated, anguished cries to my heavenly father

As many of you know I have a bit of a weird thing for the Middle East.
Like I genuinely love it. More than I can even describe. 
For the past few years it has been all I can think about, God healing that land and great multitudes of its people turning to Him. That is what I daydream about, that is what I pray for most, that is honestly, other than God Himself, perhaps the greatest desire of my heart; that all the lies and deceptions that hold people captive in those lands be exposed for what they are, that people would be set free.

This is why the things I have seen on the news recently have made my stomach churn, made every inch of my being recoil and broken my heart so much.
The things my brothers and sisters in Iraq have had to endure these past few months are just unbelievable.

It has deeply disturbed me how creative ISIS militants have been with their evil; crucifixions, rapes, selling people into slavery, maiming, cutting children in half, forcing Christians to convert to Islam and then publicly beheading them anyway then having their child fighters parade their severed heads around on sticks, the list goes on.

But what's perhaps even sadder is that things like this have been happening everyday in Syria for over three years now. Yet it has gone off the news. I recently spoke to a Syrian refugee family who had made it to Egypt with only the clothes on their backs, they were devastated. They'd seen their closest friends killed, their once thriving church, now struggling to stand with so many of its members either dead or displaced and they feel the world has forgotten them.

When evil ravages the world, when babies are murdered, when whole countries are flattened... what on earth do we pray?

I feel inclined for some reason to share the prayer that I have been praying for these lands.
Often when I pray, no words come. But sometimes they do come and it's usually something like this:

'God I sincerely pray for all those trapped in the lies of extremism, I pray for Saul like conversions, I pray that you would reveal yourself to them, that miracles would happen. 
That ISIS would go down in history as the militant extremist group which came face to face with the extravagant love of God, falling on their knees before Him, may they become extremists for love, may they become carriers of your message of reconciliation, may they transform into an army of Pauls, an army of ex terrorists, an army of redeemed, transformed people, forgiven people,may repentance flood the darkness! Use this for good, Lord God!
All over the world may you comfort your people who have lost everything, may their steadfastness be an inspiration not only to the worldwide church but may it send a loud clear message of your grace to the very people who wish to wipe them out. Strengthen them I pray. May they know that you have not and cannot forsake them! May you remind them of this in immense ways. 
May even in such times, no, especially in such times may your church in Iraq arise, your church in Syria arise, your church all over the world arise, fully clad in the armour of God, with power and love, proclaiming this glorious gospel message and heeding the call of Christ to declare that there is still hope, that all is not lost, that He is the hope of the world, and that He is still fearlessly defending, fighting for and adoring His bride. 
Lord help your hurting church in that land to truly love their enemies and pray for their persecutors.
Do amazing things Lord in that place. Amazing things beyond what we could ask or comprehend right now.
Do it Lord
Hope of the world
For your namesake, for your glory, break the powers of evil in that land.

We are not called to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us because it's easy, or just because it's nice to love them, but because that is the only thing that will bring change.

In the words of Jerry Trousdale
'Prayer is the greatest weapon that any disciple maker can wield, and God's people are using it effectively around the world at this very minute. Prayer takes the spiritual battle out of the human realm and puts it fully into God's hands, and not even the powers of hell itself can stand against His almighty Spirit. It is prayer that has torn down walls of bigotry,and broken the weapons of hatred. When God's people kneel in prayer, God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven.'
Please continue to pray for Iraq, Syria and the rest of that troubled region.

God is good all the time
God is good and that is His nature

God bless you